Well, I don't know, was it something in the air?, the change of season? excitement at gearing up for our Biennale Quilt Show?........whatever the reason, there was a lot of laughter at the cottage today.

Wendy found a need to reverse stitch after not quite mastering the very difficult art of laying fabric right sides together.
We had the talented duo of Sue and Janet tutoring a quillo workshop, Sue gave us this rather useful tip, how to closely snip off the corners without chopping through the stitching line

Place your thumb nail on the stitching line and snip off the offending corners, short of cutting off your thumb your stitching is safe.

Elaine took a break from the workshop to show off her striking stack and slash quilt, made for one of the men in her family.

Julie brought her Hardanger along to admire and be admired. Some days it's all about the company not the stitching.

Some of the Needlework girls did a workshop on knitting little beaded bags, as you see Gwen took a real liking to the art, here she is on her 3rd, Julie's holding one up for the camera and one on the table

Fay had the ultimate in UFO's for the day. Her baby blanket started 15years ago!
She bought it along to get an update on her crochet skills from Dorothy, who is also a member (Leader) of the Spinners and Weavers group.

Wendy, pleased to have finished her Quillo,

Marion, up on a visit to her sis Sue, felt she needed just one more thing to stuff into her cases to fly home tomorrow, what better that a quillo?

Judy showing Sheila how she plans to quilt her quillo, echo quilting around the sleeping bear, isn't this just the cutest?

hope you can see the stitching in this close up

Early in the lesson, quillo pocket made, but oh dear........forgot to change the bobbin cotton, it wasn't a real good match but gee, on the inside who will see???

Elaine with her finished quillo, auditioning the cars she will applique on the outside of the pocket/cushion.

Lyn and her finished quillo.
Afternoon Tea was yum as usual, the apricot cake was a real hit and Maree very kindly gave us the recipe.
Apricot Loaf:Place in a bowl
1 cup All-bran
1 cup chopped apricots
1 cup brown sugar
1tablespoon honey
1 cup milk
Allow to stand and soak overnight or for a few hours.
Next morning add
1 cup Self Raising Flour,
Place in Loaf Tin and bake in moderate over (180 deg) until lightly browned and cake springs back when lightly pressed on top.
60grms butter
50grm packet
potato chips lightly crushed
1/2 cup plain flour
90 grams sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
a good pinch cayenne pepper
Melt butter, cool slightly. Add remaining ingredients and mix well.
Roll heaped teaspoons full of mixture into balls and placve on a lightly greased tray and flatten with a fork. Bake in a moderate oven 180 - 190 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes.

Thanks for this recipes Maree, I'll try it out on the Darling this weekend.
Addition: I did try that fruit cake, boy what a hit!, visitors enjoyed it so much we got an invite to the pub for lunch. Thank you again Maree.
Heather with her finished quillo, would this be for a Grandie Heather?

Marion, gazing lovingly at her finished quillo, or just wondering about packing it?

End of the Day and the Talented Duo just couldn't stop laughing, or was it Sue trying to picture Marion packing that suitcase with just one more thing...........
Thank you very much Sue and Janet for a wonderful day and a great workshop, only one slacker didn't finish her quillo, but I was busy with the camera now wasn't I?..........