Two lovely photos of lovely lasses have landed in the mail box.
First is from Sandy with a catch up for us on Fae.
Sandy "Lots of our ladies ask me how Fae is getting on (she lives in the same street as me) so I thought I would send along this photo.
It was taken late on Mother’s Day at an impromptu get together, with appropriate social distancing of course. Unfortunately her eyes are shut which is probably due to the wine - I’m not saying which one of us had the issue. She scoots around on her wheely walker and looks well (when not drinking copious amounts of wine). She says hi to all."
Looks like it was a great little get together. Thanks for sharing Sandy.
Karen shared a photo of Pat and her 'Big O' birthday catch up.
Karen "Attached is a photo of the birthday gift giving for Pat’s birthday earlier this year. Sheila and I delivered the gift Sunday week ago and it was lovely to catch up with Pat"
Hope you had a wonderful celebration on the day Pat. Thanks for sharing Karen.