Thursday, November 21, 2013

Julie went shopping..

...while on an exciting holiday to South America, and returned with some beautiful hand worked souvenirs, such as this vibrant wall hanging. 

She was also able to visit a home where they spun and wove these beautiful table runners out of alpaca fleece
Julie also purchased this hand woven bag, bet it came in handy for all the lovely goodies she purchased. 
The Thursday night girls had a workshop last week to make some really cute little bags, Jackie bought hers along to share with us. A rather cunning spring loaded closure is encased in the gathered top band.
Marie bought this beauty along to share with us, made using aboriginal print fabrics and hand quilted.
Marie made the quilt to be given away as a house warming gift from her daughter to her daughters' friend who collects aboriginal art..
Wendy used a different block layout for her reversible Q.A.Y.G. string quilt for a completely different look.
Val has been busy beavering away assembling the with Q.A.Y.G. string quilt blocks into quilts.
 These two quilts are both to be donated to Charities.
Thank you Marie for taking the Pics and giving us the stories behind them.  Not to mention the learning curve of downloading the pics from your phone. 

Last week, and thanks to Lorraine for the pics, we got to see Debby's lovely wall hanging of a cat in the bushes, Debby has been working on this beauty for awhile and was rather pleased to find just the right fabric to frame and bind her project.

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