Thursday, September 10, 2009

Narelle Grieve

Sad news in an e-mail from Scquilter Michelle Watters.

Narelle Grieve, who had been ill for many months, passed away in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Narelle was a well know tutor and quilter, her quilts were in many shows and magazines. She was a past President of the Quilters' Guild of N.S.W.

I never had the pleasure of meeting Narelle, but have always admired her work and from time to time got a giggle out of some of her stories.

Erica Spinks has a lovely tribute and story about Narelle on her blog, Creative Dabbling at

Sew Inspirational has Narelles Profile on their site here for anyone who may be interested to learn more of this wonderful lady

1 comment:

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    Béatrice BOSSY France


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